Friday 18 March 2011

Temporary Closure of Site

Some of you may have noticed that this site was closed for a few days last week. This was due to a court decision in Turkey, after an application by Digiturk seeking action against the website for failing to prevent a few Bloggers using the site to stream live Turkish football matches.

We seem to be up and running again, though I'm not sure whether that means a a solution has been found or not.

Monday 7 March 2011

Extra Postgraduate English Language Support

If any of you feel that you would like some extra support with your English, then there's some good news for you.

Tuesday at 14.45, Anna will be available to help any of you who would like to improve their speaking skills.

Tuesday and Thursday, 14.45, Omid will be available to help with writing skills.

All these sessions will take place in the SSSC (Student Self Study Centre)in the English Preparatory School on the South Campus, thus providing you with an additional excellent exercise opportunity.

We thank our postgraduate students Anna and Omid for volunteering their time to provide such an opportunity and the SFL academic support team - Michila Katlantur and Seren Reynolds for their organisation and support.

If you would like any further information, please contact

ENGL 525 Poster Presentations Gallery

Today was Poster Presentation day for ENGL525 students. Have a look at the picture gallery: